Thursday, November 20, 2008

Presentation Information

Preparation for the group project started with the reading material; a couple chapters from our book of choice, Burn Rate, were distributed evenly throughout the group. I was in charge of chapters five and six, which unfortunately fall directly in the middle of the reading. This was a very confusing way to collect information as a group because one had to assume what was going on before the start of the chapter that was assigned. Professor Fry led us to the idea that we should share our findings on our readings as a group so the contents become more clear. As our group came together to collect the information notes from other chapters, everyone seemed to be a little confised about the plot. Thankfully, Scott volunteered to read the entire book on his spare time in order to patch up the missing peices of the storyline. Hearing the storyline from one person helped everybody in the group to understatnd what they would be delivering in the presentation. On monday we hope to have somewaht of a rough draft for the actual presentation. We will be following a short powerpoint as our presentation is being delivered to the class which will explain the plot of Burn Rate briefly and what we, as a group, thought about the read.

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