Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Future of Newspapers in Regards of the Web

Computers have become a convenience to everyone who has one sitting in front of them. News has become incorporated into that convenience being just a click away from the curiosity of the surfer. My personal computer has an option on my desktop tool bar that automatically posts news feed, stocks and other national headlines that may be of my liking. Ever since news has become a part of the Internet the actual newspaper has become second hand to younger daily readers.
Seattle Times, Google News, Hotwired, Seattle PI have all become popular websites in which tech savvy people enjoy reading everyday. In a sense it seems as though these sights have replaced the printed newspapers especially for citizens that spend time in a workplace which incorporates a desk, a computer, and Internet access. This is the reason why printed newspapers have a generational aspect. Younger people with jobs dealing with tip top technology have the ability to use the Internet which stares back at them on a day to day basis. Older people who have had a subscription to their local paper for as long as they can remember continue to read the printed papers. This generational statistic may be the only reason our nation still has active newspapers.
As the world wide web continues to grow, so will the news that it encompasses. Classic newspapers will be forgotten as the older generation begins to expire, as the younger generations surround their lives with the newest technology available and take advantage of its abilities. Instead of a fixed amount of writers per paper there may be more freelanced writers who contribute to the paper, similar to the system of Wikepedia. Advantages with this system will be the almost instant ability to post news. This will give the nation more news that is happening live instead of having to read all of the news the next day on a piece of obnoxious paper that turns your fingers black. Disadvantages within the new paperless system will be portability issues. Nobody honestly wants to carry a laptop around.
Even though significant changes will be made, the news will maintain some similarities. Current established newspapers wont go out of business, they will just need to change their business model. Other similarities include subscription to the websites so the industry wont go out of business.
The newspaper has influenced our nation by giving us up to date information on what is happening within our community. Now that technology is growing beyond belief, the news is being transformed into a convenient fashion which at one point we were unable to imagine. The news, however, will continue to inform us of our surroundings, but in a brighter light.


mdkrblog said...

When reading your post I agree reading the paper is generational. Most people in the early generations like to sit down and read their papers. Most people now days like to just get the news fast so through the internet is the way for most people in our generation.

iamtune23 said...

The generational divide is a realistic point that a lot of people have made to some degree. What you said about the papers staying around in some form or media type sounds very plausible. I do hope papers stick around.

Bekkah29 said...
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Bekkah29 said...

I think the generational point continues to be an interesting aspect of this issue. In my opinion, going online will help this not only because it's online, but different demographics can taylor it to their liking. If print wants to keep up, maybe the newspaper companies should try and come up with a way of being more versatile for it's users... differnt styles of the same paper for different types of usuers..???
I dunno, just an idea :-)

Phillipians 2:5 said...

I its very important to have newspapers in print, but internet is also convenient. i think that bekkah29 has made an interesting point about newspapers-i think it would be cool if newspapers would have different layouts for the same paper..or like a hidden thing/icon that you could find, for a prize... that would be cool =)